Jonathan and I met Sean just before the 2020 election. We appreciated his commitment to making Richfield a welcoming and sustainable city, and we have seen him live those values in office as well. We often tell family and friends about how refreshing it is to have a representative who is responsive and open to ideas!
When chatting with Sean in 2020, we shared our hopes of updating the landscaping and fence in our yard to make it more enjoyable for us and our family. When the city was updating its fence rules two years later, Sean remembered and proactively reached out to see if we would like to share feedback on the proposal. Thanks to that, we were able to share our feedback in advance of the upcoming council meeting, and the tweaks we suggested even made it into the revised ordinance — thanks Sean!
Karen and Jonathan Lanthier
Richfield residents

When my family and I moved to Richfield in 2019, Sean was one of the first to welcome us. When a summer rainstorm flooded my basement, Sean had a great recommendation for new gutters. When I had questions about getting around using bus lines and bike lanes, Sean had answers. When I participated in events to raise awareness around pedestrian safety, Sean showed up.
When I joined the Planning Commission, I got to see Sean’s work in our joint work sessions with City Council too. When a developer proposed putting a five-story apartment building and parking lot blocking the view of Richfield Lake, Sean pushed back and demanded better.
For all five years I’ve been calling Richfield home, Sean has been a reliable neighbor and resource at City Hall. What’s more, my basement remains dry to this day. I’m happy to support Sean for City Council.
Brendan Kennealy
Richfield Dad, Homeowner, and
Planning Commission Vice-Chair
Sean is a high-quality gentleman and is a good role model for other citizens considering engagement in our civic life. I am pleased to see that he is running for election again this year. My wife and I first reached out to Sean after we moved to Richfield from St. Paul. We had concerns about a proposal before the city council and Sean was open and helpful in our navigation of Richfield’s city government.
We have continued to reach out to him to better understand local issues and debate potential solutions. He remains accessible and interested in our thoughts. We certainly do not agree on all issues, but our interactions are always civil and informative. He is open to alternative views, and he is a good listener. In our interactions, I have observed that his genuine commitment to the Richfield community takes priority over any personal gain. He is the kind of person that I want to represent me in our new community.
Peter Hilger
Richfield resident

We moved to a lovely home between Fairwood Park and Monroe Field in 2021. It was parks like these and pleasant streets like 66th that drew us. In fact, our letter to the seller gushes over these features!
As we came to learn, Sean was a tireless proponent for the awesome 66th Street reconstruction project. A perfect example of Sean making an impact before he was one of our council members. Since his election he’s continued to use his position to advocate for common-sense policy — like organized trash collection, more reasonable speed limits, and legalization of duplexes and smaller lot sizes, so that we can all share a more vibrant and affordable city.
Every day, we feel lucky to belong to a community as welcoming and forward-thinking as Richfield. Sean has demonstrated time and again over the last five years that he has the skills and drive to continue moving Richfield forward.
Henrik and Stephanie Kowalkowski
Richfield residents
I’ve served on the Transportation Commission for the last three years, and Sean Hayford Oleary has been our City Council liaison during that time. I have seen firsthand how fortunate Richfield is to have Sean as an advocate for traffic safety.
Sean is informed on the facts and shares that information in a way that builds a common understanding of the situation.
When we have different perspectives or viewpoints, Sean listens with a respect that demonstrates he is seeking to understand and learn. Richfield is well-served by Sean on the Council, and he has earned reelection.
Jim Mahoney
Richfield Transportation Commissioner and resident

I first met Sean at one of the open houses for the Nicollet Avenue reconstruction project. I was impressed to see one of the city council members engaging so passionately with the public about a project close to my heart — safe pedestrian and biking infrastructure. Since then, I have noticed time and time again Sean making sure the public is informed via his informational posts on Facebook describing what the city council can and can’t do. We can’t take for granted elected officials that go above and beyond like this.
I purchased a condo in Richfield in March of 2023 and was thrilled to find a community in Richfield that shared my excitement for streets that welcome both cars and people. I live just off of 66th Street, and since my move I have used it almost daily. I enjoy my regular walks to Richfield Lake and Woodlake, as well as rides along 66th to the Hub and Tous Les Jours, and down Lyndale to one of the many Richfield DQs. It’s not just 66th either: our well-connected streets make it safe for me to bike to the Minneapolis trail system too. On each of these trips I appreciate the wide sidewalks and separate bike paths Sean helped get. It’s a gift to the city to have someone as dedicated and invested as Sean.
William Bata
Richfield resident
I moved to Richfield in August 2023 from Minneapolis. A few of my friends had moved to Richfield and sung its praises, but it didn’t take too much convincing for me to move after seeing how nice Richfield’s new apartments were for their price point.
Since moving, I feel at home and welcome in this city. As a renter in one of the newer apartments in downtown Richfield, I appreciate having advocates like Sean Hayford Oleary who are looking for ways to make Richfield more affordable and fun (shoutout Richfield Lake Park) for young professionals like me to have a home in the city.
My dog Melo and I love how walkable and safe the area feels. I feel confident that with Sean on the City Council, Richfield will continue to feel like home.
Jonny Collins
Richfield resident