These were statement from my 2020 campaign. View the 2024 Endorsements and Supporters page for the current campaign.
From elected leaders

I’ve known Sean for eight years and I’ve appreciated his work in Richfield — as a Human Rights Commission member, as a Planning Commission member, and as an advocate working for safe, healthy streets throughout our community.
Sean cares about keeping Richfield open and inviting to all. As Mayor of Richfield, I have been working toward a more inclusive and equitable future for our city. Sean gets it. He works to keep dialog open and honest, he listens, and he is always open to new community perspectives.
Sean has been working for Richfielders to make our city a better place for years. I’m happy to endorse him for City Council.
Maria Regan Gonzalez
Mayor of Richfield

I first met Sean while I was mayor of Richfield, when he applied to the Richfield Human Rights Commission. He hit the ground running and has been going ever since.
Sean shows up for Richfield. From picking up trash, to organizing community events, to attending public meetings, Sean is consistent and dedicated to our community. Sean does his homework on the issues. He isn’t afraid of a debate, but is always respectful and open-minded.
Sean has the skills and commitment to effectively represent Richfield, and I am glad to support him for Richfield City Council.
Debbie Goettel
Hennepin County Commissioner
Former mayor of Richfield
From neighbors and community members

I met Sean in 2014 when I participated in a bicycle safety course he co-taught. I had a tricycle and needed to gain confidence, practice in safe bike handling, and learn the laws for bike riders. I had a stroke and needed some extra help to master a bike, so I could get safely to businesses in Richfield.
Sean helped me, and he wanted to learn what each participant wanted to get from the course. He listened to assess how to meet individual needs. Also he wanted each person to become a competent rider. Thanks to the individual help, course work of drills, classroom work and practice in community, I feel more confident riding in Richfield.
Since then I have followed Sean and watched him develop the following qualities that will serve Richfield as Ward 2 Council Member:
- Sean is thoughtful and open-minded.
- Sean is dynamic. He demonstrates the ability to creatively problem solve.
- He does not demonstrate having preconceived ideas that will interfere with decision-making. There are no hidden agendas. He will have an open mind listen to all ideas.
Patricia McNamara
Richfield Homeowner, Grandma, and Bike Rider

My family and I have been Sean’s next-door neighbor for four years. My husband and I have lived in Richfield for 10 years. We bought our house four years ago after renting at Oaks on Pleasant across from the Hub. My husband, our two kids, and I chose to stay in Richfield because we love the schools, it’s centrally located and close to everything… it’s a beautiful community.
Sean is my go-to guy to find out what’s going on at City Hall. He always knows what’s happening and who to talk to if I have a problem. He helped his Grandma keep her house up — and after buying the home, he’s continued to fix it up. He keeps his lawn mowed and garden looking beautiful. He’s hosted a few National Night Out celebrations on our block and because of Sean, I know my neighbors and love our block. Sean will be a great council member for our ward.
Mary Watkins
Neighbor and Richfield Homeowner

I moved to Richfield with my wife, toddler, and dog last year. We’ve loved exploring our new hometown. Richfield’s safe streets allow us to get around easily even with the kid in a stroller or bike trailer. We love our parks and unique local businesses. Richfield is truly on the upswing, and our neighbors — young, old, and culturally diverse — have welcomed us.
Sean has been a wonderful resource as we’ve gotten to know our new community. Always ready to answer questions on the Richfield Facebook group, he’s proven himself to be kind, patient, and well-informed about the community. He even helped me find a better deal on gutters for my home! As long as my basement stays dry, I am happy to support Sean for Richfield City Council.
Brendan Kennealy
Richfield Dad and Homeowner

I’ve lived in Richfield for 12 years. We’ve owned two homes here, and my kids attend the dual language school. I’ve been a longtime volunteer in the city, too.
Sean and I first met on Richfield’s Transportation Commission. I was new to the commission and Sean was an established liaison to the commission, advocating for walking and biking safety. At first, Sean and I disagreed on big issues like the Portland and 66th Street reconstructions. However, Sean respectfully engaged in healthy discussion and took time to educate me on bike and pedestrian safety and comfort while using roads. Not only did he shift my mind on those specific projects, he helped me become a strong advocate for streets that are equitable for all. Sean has a passion for Richfield.
He’s been a devoted citizen advocate for years. The community would benefit greatly to have Sean’s leadership on the City Council.
Ted Weidenbach
Richfield Homeowner, Dad, and former Chair of Transportation Commission

I met Sean six years ago when I walked into an open house for the 66th Street reconstruction project. After that, I saw him at every single 66th Street meeting. That’s something I truly admire: Sean is deeply committed to showing up.
For the past three years, Sean and I have volunteered together on the Richfield Planning Commission. He
studies the material thoroughly before our meetings, and Sean is open and honest about his thinking. He tries to hear a position even if he doesn’t agree with it.
When Sean was chairing the Planning Commission previously, he worked hard to be inclusive and fair in conducting the meetings. I learned a lot from him and still do! Sean will be a valuable asset on the Richfield City Council.
Kathryn Quam
Chair of Planning Commission

Endorsed by the Laborers’ International Union of North America — Minnesota & North Dakota